Onsight Editorial

Professional editing and writing services

Whether you’re an academic looking for a quick editing turnaround on a conference paper before submission or a company with tight client-driven deadlines, Onsight Editorial brings decades of experience to provide unrivaled editing and writing support for your projects, big or small. We’re here to help you communicate your great ideas.

Editing Services

All written documents demand the highest quality language and presentation to maximize their impact and effectiveness. Onsight Editorial edits academic publications of any length (journal articles, dissertations, conference papers, grant applications, and book manuscripts) both pre-submission and during revisions. We also work with corporate and business documents including: reports, marketing material, web content, legal documents, brochures, signage, and menus.

Professional and Technical Writing

Annual reports, web content, internal documents, grant applications, etc. all deserve the highest level of writing to maximize their effectiveness as communication tools. Onsight Editorial is here to work alongside your team to generate content and / or to compile your material into clean, professional documents.

“Language is like a road; it cannot be perceived all at once because it unfolds in time, whether heard or read.”

Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking